Sunday, November 2, 2008

13 years at school and I still can't spell 'helmate'

Woops I totally forgot I had a blog! Maybe im not cut out for blogging?

Only 7 days left of school for the rest of my life!!
For this reason my poor horse i practically being neglected ATM.
He is barely being ridden, as I am rushing through unfinished assignments to get much needed credits before school ends. I have exams from the 17 Nov till my last on the 26th. Only 4 exams for me, which is a heck of a lot less that most of my friends!

Because of this, my photography has practically been put on hold.

I have been looking forward to taking photos at Rotorua Horse Trials since I new it was on.
Didn't even get to go which SUCKED because I found out my graphics assingment is due on Tuesday. I started it on friday. Thats 4 days to do an assignment I have had around 70 days to complete. Shit.
I am getting there tho, and will have it finished by tuesday. Maybe even at a higher standard than my usual halfassed. YAY!

May be going to Oto ODE on the 23rd (to take photos) but it is in the middle of my exams so it will depend on how my study (I wonder what that means?) is going.

Here is a totally random photo of Cruize from summer. I call it the baywatch/yanking the poor bugger photo. (He actually was having fun I swear! It was just taken after I jumped a ditch and ran up a hill, then tried to stop him from taking off.)
For all you helmate people - I was wearing a helmate (I really can't spell. 13 years at school and I can't spell helmate!) for the most part of this ride.