Monday, May 11, 2009


After almost 2 months I finally remembed I have a blog and should update it.

When I came back from HOY, cruize had bad mudfever and was lame for a week. He also got a really bad cold and was really unhappy!
so the next day I got my old pony Roo back (had her before i had cruize) as a paddock mate for him. He has been soo much happier since then. He spends way more time eating instead of staring accross the road at the other horses. They get on good too and Roo is full of energy and still gets excited about her little feeds (shes 25 now)

Evetually after some on and off lameness his mudfever is basically gone.
A few weekends ago i took him to Waihao dressage where he came last and 5th in his noivce tests. He bucked and threw himself around and couldnt of acted much worse. He even broke his halter and went for a nice gallop around the grounds (bastard).

But considering he hadnt been out in awhile i expected it to go not too well! I still had fun.

I got a job at subway! its cool and the people are neat and its money so yea. Just decided I want to go be a cop next year tho - so might go to police college for 6months in welly. If i do go ill have to take cruize so will need to find some grazing!!

Apart from that gina let me come jump at hers tonight and she took some awesome photos! He was good, keen to jump and only had a few runouts/poles that were basicaly my fault (not steering very well and riding like crap lol) Thats basically it.


Michelle said...

KATE! do u have to be so perfect!

Beckz said...

He looks very cute. That big pole narrow fence is awesome.